Digital Security Support Guidance

Criteria for supporting digital security projects

OTF supports efforts to increase the impact of the global digital security ecosystem (as well as regional ecosystems) under our Internet Freedom Fund. We also fund emergency digital security support under our Rapid Response Fund. Below we’ve outlined the criteria for each funding mechanism.

Criteria for supporting digital security projects under the Internet Freedom Fund:

Authoritarian censors are sharing strategies, techniques and—in some cases—the tools to enact repressive information controls. To effectively counter this highly orchestrated, well-resourced, and pervasive online censorship and surveillance, we need a strong digital security ecosystem that can grow and adapt to evolving threats.

To this aim, digital security support under our Internet Freedom Fund supports structural improvements to the digital security ecosystem. This includes infrastructure-wide investments to help practitioners do their work and best serve at-risk populations experiencing repressive information controls.

Ensuring that the community of practice (e.g., technical experts, incident responders, threat intel researchers, and developers of digital security tools) is able to grow and adapt to evolving global and/or regional threats is crucial.

We are interested in ideas that will support the growth and adaptability of this digital security network, including improving the coordination and collaboration between different actors in the space.

Applications in this category should include:

  • thoughtful consideration of existing and complementary efforts

  • a clear methodology

  • an explanation of how the proposed effort will lead to positive and systemic change in the regional and/or global digital security ecosystem

Please be mindful that OTF has a limited digital security budget and does not support one-off training, training of trainers, or organizational capacity building as an effort’s primary outcome. Various other funders support these types of projects.

Learn more about the Internet Freedom Fund & how to apply for support.

Criteria for supporting digital security projects under the Rapid Response Fund:

Our Rapid Response Fund helps resolve urgent threats in a timely manner for individuals, communities, and organizations facing digital attacks and emergencies.

If you are facing a clear and time-sensitive digital emergency and need short-term and urgent support, then you may be eligible for support under this fund.

We offer direct financial assistance, as well as technical services from our digital security partners. These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Organizational Security & Digital Security Support

  • Digital Attacks Response & Forensic Analysis

  • Secure Web Hosting

  • Responding to Censorship Events & Network Shutdowns

  • Rapid Localization of Digital Security Tools & Resources

Learn more about the Rapid Response Fund & how to apply for support.

Last updated